My Why &
My Journey

From my own experience, I can attest to how local sports clubs can truly uplift a community.

Skating clubs are more than just places to skate—they’re vibrant, welcoming hubs that get kids excited to lace up their skates and chase their dreams.

There’s something very special about watching these young skaters work hard to achieve their goals and the joy and pride they feel when they succeed.

Figure skater girls

“I’ve seen firsthand grassroots clubs winning national contests, small town coaches receiving provincial recognition and skaters from little towns competing on big stages or performing in professional ice shows.”

Figure skater on ice

The ground level of these achievements started long-ago with coaches, volunteer board members and supportive parents that provided those humble yet inspiring beginnings that were brimming with possibilities.

The volunteer board members and coaches that are dedicated to nurturing this kind of environment, aiming to establish an enduring, positive impact that inspires future cohorts of volunteers and coaches to continue and enhance this legacy.

This kind of enthusiasm to creating a positive environment may not be recognized on the world stage of skating, but the impact they can have on each member’s journey can be truly profound and far-reaching.

This is the core of what Change of Edge Values.

With the technology available today and my life’s twists and turns, I believe there has never been a better time for me to bring Change of Edge to life. I can share my knowledge and spirit with the figure skating community, even if I am not going to the rink every day. With the services & products I will be offering through Change of, I can still be that coach to inspire and guide, I can still be that colleague you want on your coaching team and I can still be a resource to tap into for volunteer board members managing clubs. I will just be delivering it in a different manner.

Tree of Life image

The Journey

For the 9-years I spent as amateur skater, I trained for seven years under Per (KjØlberg) Larsen — 7-x Norwegian Champion, 6-x Nordic Champion, European and World Competitor, and star of Holiday on Ice for 14 years—at the Coquitlam Figure Skating Club, where I was immersed in a competitive training environment, with other extraordinary coaches and skaters.

Per Larsen black and white photo of him jumping on the ice

Upon deciding to pursue a career in coaching, I opted to gain my initial experience with clubs in smaller towns, much to my mentor’s surprise, who had questioned why and suggested that I apply my skills and training in the established and respected club where my competitive skating journey began (which I’m quite certain would have been more comfortable). 

Ultimately, I am very glad I forged my own path because for the past 34 years I have been coaching at clubs around BC; 10 to be exact. With varying durations and populations ranging from 400 to over a 100 000. Periodically working at 2 and 3 different clubs in a season, 7-days per week. Sometimes being the only coach, other times being one of a couple coaches and building my own clientele.  Eventually being part of a team coaching environment (signs indicating the passage of time). 

… Being the only coach in some situations or working with inexperienced board members, I had to learn and become pretty dang proficient at a lot of things on top of the on-ice coaching. Coordinating, administering, record keeping and coaching group programs, teaching all levels of figure skating, keeping up with rules, ensuring each skater had personalized attention from music selection to dress design, their learning styles and how to get the best out of them, seasonal plans to ensure skaters & parents alike were engaged with the process of progress. Promote and teach power skating, ice shows, concept to completion & everything in between, encouraging new board members in their roles, attracting, training, scheduling & retaining Program Assistants. Counselor, advocate, marketer, strategist, off ice trainer & assist with fundraising, all in a season’s work. Nothing new for figure skating coaches though.

Clipboard art

Along the way, I was fortunate enough to have a couple very experienced coaches take me under their wing, collaborate with a wonderful diverse group of colleagues, work alongside truly amazing volunteer boards (and some boards, not so much) and of course, the kids, ALL of which provided me with important learning experiences and had a part in shaping the coach I am today.

Proudly Serving Figure Skating Clubs in Canada

Growth visual

Offering practical and innovative solutions for coaches and volunteer boards, Change of Edge is here to assist. Whether you need an outside perspective for solo feedback or overcoming the constraints of limited ice time for lessons, even help keeping skaters on track during practice sessions, this online, on-demand platform is dedicated to figure skating clubs. Change of Edge supports coaches, volunteers, skaters and their families by optimizing both their time and effort.

Consistently increasing participation in group programs between 56% – 116% by revamping group programs and creating bridge programs to ensure ease of transition to higher levels and member longevity. Increased PA recruitment up to 90% and reduced volunteer churn rate.

A financially stable club brings benefits to everyone involved. With solid finances, coaches have some freedom to introduce new ideas, invest in equipment or add to the ice schedule while board members can make thoughtful and sound decisions without the pressure of financial constraints.


In the business world, it’s common for companies to closely guard their trade secrets. However, I’m here to take a different approach.

My knowledge, experience and ideas are accessible for you to utilize through consultations or my blog that gives you easy actionable, practical ideas. Take advantage of Change of Edge to address your objectives and help your club thrive!

And because I have ice in my veins, Change of Edge offers figure skating enthusiasts the perfect art and apparel to express their passion for the sport. Whether you’re on the ice or off, we’ve got what you need to display your enthusiasm with wit and style.

Coach Jo-Ann on the ice with a skater in stirrups

Over the past 34 years, I have built strong foundations for group and bridge programs and created special events that still endure today. And many of my students have achieved personal successes such as:

  • Earning Gold tests in multiple disciplines
  • Regional titles
  • PacificSkate titles
  • StarSkate Super Series titles
  • Provincial Development Team
  • Region Select Team
  • StarSkate Athlete Award
  • Alternate to Challenge (Novice)
  • Top 7 Podium Super Series over all (Pre Novice)
  • BC Winter Games competitors
  • Artistic awards

• Coaching member of Skate Canada in good standings • NCCP National Coach Trained, Certified Provincial Coach • Aboriginal Sport • Powerskate Certified

Condensed Amateur Competitive Record: Pre-Novice & Novice Champ BC Section, Western Divisionals 5th (alternate to Canadians), 4th Pre-Novice Canada Winter Games

Gold Freeskate, Gold Skills, Jr. Competitive Freeskate test, 6th Figure, Jr Br Dances

Jo-Ann Nadalin Change of Edge


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